Monday, February 1, 2010

when archie chose veronica, did that meant the male mechanism of thinking come of age

the news is old enough, the beloved Archie Andrews chose the vixen, Veronica Lodge over level headed Betty Cooper..

its easy to understand why would someone choose Betty..she is a consummate good girl. affectionate, caring and accomodating...she never creates a fuss, never demands nor does fickle any vile tantrums as does the raven haired lady
..but still.........there is a constant power struggle with veronica dat drives archie..
"Good girls" seem almost boring in contrast, and their steadiness can rob the relationship of the dynamic tension that keeps things interesting. With a "Veronica," things might grow hostile, but they will never lack for passion....
thus the notion since ages..."girl-u-take-home" has changed...a guy now doesnt need a girl who can do his laundry but creates a constant delusional game ofl ove each time he thinks about 'home'...